So in the last post I was talking about how we are moving my wife to Verizon from AT&T. Well that was going quite well, until about an hour ago. Oh yes, the simple process has now become a complicated process. To thy own SIM be true(ish)… Well my wife just clicked the pay button […]
A nice glass of port your iPhone?
The title, cracks me up folks. I love it. Yes, it is a play on wines, which is fitting for us since we love wine country, and my wife loves wine (I am a beer guy myself). You see my wife and I have been combining our phone services lately. This is supposed to be […]
Now it is getting ridiculous…
You know for the last few months, I would say about 8 of them now. We moved through some difficult times, and now we have made it to the other side. You guessed it! We are slowly getting back to what was once a normal life, surviving an “accident” from a foreign nation. We are […]
- General Thoughts
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Property Managers, An Open Letter
Dear Property Managers, I write today to implore you to help effect some change that is well past needed. I am a renter, and by process that means I am a customer to your services. I have over 7 years of experience as a renter, living and renting multi-family housing (apartments). Our first bullet point […]
- General Thoughts
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Late Nights, Long Days
The entire week all I could think of is “wow I am not writing at all”. It’s been that week you know? From Monday forward, and in fact it’s felt like that the last month. Unexpectedly I found myself taking on a new role for the last part of this year as a trainer and […]