2023 the Year of the Truth

Well we stand here together my friends staring down the end of 2022 and looking at the oncoming 2023. I mean 2022 was supposed to be our year right? Life back to normal and we would finally be on to new adventures, and yet that has not happened. 2022 had more lies, propaganda, and general BS that the previous year. So goodbye 2022 and fingers cross for 2023! Hopefully 2023 will be the Year of the Truth.

New Year, New Try

In the new year I have a few “resolutions” or “goals” that I want to aim for. The first of them being a new try at actually keeping this site up-to-date. One thing will be shorter posts about some of the goals I have coming. I honestly got this idea from watching the movie “The Social Network” where one of that characters “blogged” a single sentence.

My goal for this site is to do a minimum of two posts per month, or more. I know that doesn’t sound like a lot, but balancing this with life is what may prove tough. Perhaps I need some additional authors for the site? I do not know, but it could be an idea later down the road.

New Year, New Me

Another goal in 2023 is going to be health and wellness. Understand that this is not just physical, although that is a large part of it. No, I will be focusing on mental and Spiritual health as well throughout 2023, all in an effort to make a better me. I mean these are things we do not talk about honestly in our country and in most cases our world. This is why I am calling 2023 the Year of the Truth.

Physical Health

Truthfully we have an idea that men and women need to be skinny athletic individuals, and while that is okay to be that we do not all have to attain that. In my research I have come to learn that a man of my height and age should weight between 200-225 lbs. just depending. I am pushing not to look like Brad Pit or any of those, but to look like me and be physically healthy for who I am.

Mental Health

In the way of Mental Health, we just refuse to talk about that in America. Yes mental illness is a thing, and we need to address it and we need to help those who fight it get better. I do not believe we do this by putting a stigma on mental illness. I meet so many young adults my age who suffer from depression and anxiety, all brought on by the 2020-2022 “issues”. These people are so scared to talk about what is going on for fear of being labeled in a negative way.

Spiritual Health

Spiritually, we are just as afraid as we are about mental health. So many people are terrified to mention Prayer, the Lord, or Jesus for fear that we may be ostracized. Why? Because that is what we do now, if you mention something that the popular folks do not agree with then you are a villein. It’s time to cancel the cancel culture.

My Challenge to You Dear Reader

My challenge to you dear reader is to join me. Join me in 2023 in seeking the truth, adventuring more, living your life, and focusing on your mental, physical, and spiritual health. Find a way to better yourself even more than you are right now. Find something that fires up a large passion deep in your soul. Together we can all make 2023 the year of the truth, and the year of us.

In the end we might wind up All Hat, with No Cattle… but we will be happy!