Gas Price Palooza…

It’s up and it’s down… no it’s up…

If you are purchasing gas anywhere in America then you have noticed that gas suddenly dropped. In some places of the south we saw gas as low as $1.87 per gallon, while other saw closer to $2.00. Based on the news, it appears that Coronavirus or COVID-19 is the primary cause of the drop. Thanks to COVID-19 hundreds or more flights to and from China have been cancelled. I never thought something as tragic as this would impact gas in the South.

Fear of Coronavirus…

Watching the news you will hear a lot about COVID-19, and recently the word pandemic is being used. I have spoken to a lot of folks who are concerned about this. I want to make sure everyone understands that pandemic is just a science term for a wide-spread illness. The flu has been in pandemic status before, and it was mitigated over time. In the meantime I am sticking to my theory of washing my hands, and avoiding possibly infected folks (regardless of what they have). I feel like avoiding anyone who’s coughing might be good advice in general.

My Wrap Up…

Final thoughts on this are let’s start praying and keep praying. Jesus is bigger than a microscopic virus, let’s leave it to Him and not worry too much.


And that’s how you wind up All Hat, with No Cattle.